The Baby and Kid Bookstore: Books Station Books Station: Slide and Slurp, Scratch and Burp


Slide and Slurp, Scratch and Burp

A perfect way to introduce verbs to children. The verses are cute and the drawings of crazy cats are comical. Since the verbs are printed in color they are easily recognized.

Customer Review:
As I was preparing to write this review, I noticed, in small print on the front flap of my copy's dustjacket, that this book is intended for children aged 7 - 9. This was a surprising revelation, as I've been reading this and the other books in the "Words are CATegorical" series to my daughter since before she turned four. She loves them, clamors for them, hangs on to every word as I read them . . . so I would encourage parents of pre-K and Kindergarten aged children not to hesitate in introducing these grammatical concepts at an early age. These books are too fun to have to wait another three years for them!

That said, "Slide and Slurp, Scratch and Burp: More About Verbs" is a worthy addition to any child's library. Mr. Cleary kicks verbs up a notch by introducing the concepts of linking versus action verbs and how verbs relate to subjects in sentence structure. And, if this sounds like way too much for a young child to grasp, then I must tell you that everything in this book is written in verse that is sly and witty and accompanied by amusing illustrations (courtesy of Brian Gable). I do not know how Brian P. Cleary does it, but I am so grateful that he does!

I have every book currently in this series, and I will purchase every book to come. I can hardly wait to see what Mr. Cleary and Mr. Gable have up their sleeves for gerunds, participles, and the subjunctive mood.

Price: RM5.90
Format : Paperback
ISBN : 9780545047555
Size : 227 x 170mm
Pages : 35
Published : 2008
Publisher : Scholastic

Almost like new.


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